Lost In The Supermarket
Today we made our way to the local Costco. It was about a 20 minute drive. I needed to get some driving outside the gate so we took a field trip to Costco and the Atsugi Naval Air Station. Costco gets extremely crowded especially on the weekend, so we decided to first thing. The website and sign said it opened at 10p.m. . We woke up early so rather than sit around in the lodge we decided to go early. We got there at 9 a.m. and they were open and let us in. When we left 40 minutes later the parking garage was already full. The Japanese Costco looks exactly like the stateside ones and they are already pushing Christmas stuff. The one major difference is that Costco here sells liquor - big bottles of whiskey, gin and vodka along with boxed plum wine. The best difference is the really fresh sushi platters. Doesn't this look so good? I wish we had sushi this fresh at the stateside Costco. And of course they have the Costco Café with the famous "C...